Anamnese - Englisch

Customer Information Sheet

How It Works

A high-energy light beam is absorbed by the pigment melanin, which is particularly concentrated in the hair follicle, and converted into heat. The hair follicle is thus selectively heated and damaged. This mechanism is called photothermolysis.

Which Hairs Cannot Be Permanently Removed?

  • Gray hairs
  • White-blond hairs
  • Partially red hairs (a test treatment is necessary here)


What Should Be Considered Before Each Treatment?

The area of skin to be treated should be shaved one day before the treatment (do not pluck, wax, or epilate). Shaved areas can calm down overnight. You should avoid intensive UV exposure (sunbathing or tanning beds) in the weeks leading up to the treatment and protect the treated areas with sunscreen (SPF 50).

What Happens After the Treatment?

The treatment is done using the SHR method with integrated skin cooling. The SHR method is a gentle, low-pain, and gradual heating of the melanin in the hair. After the treatment, the hair follicles are damaged, but the hair is still within the skin. Depending on the body area, the hair slowly sheds within 1-3 weeks.

What Should I Consider After a Treatment?

The treated skin areas may be slightly red. This redness usually subsides quickly. You can cool the areas or apply a soothing cream. Avoid intensive sunbathing and tanning bed visits in the next two weeks. If sun exposure is unavoidable, use sunscreen with SPF 50.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

Only hairs in the growth phase can be removed, as only then is enough melanin stored in the hair follicle to permanently remove the hair. The hair growth phase occurs in a cycle. Only a certain percentage of hairs are in the growth phase at any given time. The hair growth cycle determines the interval and the number of treatments. To achieve optimal treatment results, it is necessary to adhere to the treatment interval. Typically, at least 6-8 sessions are required.

Will I Never Get Hair on the Treated Skin Areas Again?

The light treatment permanently damages the hair follicle and reduces hair growth for a long time, by approximately 80%. Regrowing hairs become much finer, thinner, and less noticeable. It is recommended to perform a refreshment treatment 1-2 times a year.

Medical History and Treatment Documentation

for Permanent Hair Removal with the Alma Diode Laser


Informed Consent for Treatment

Dear Customer,

You want to permanently remove unwanted hair on your face or body using laser technology. It is my duty to inform you about the upcoming treatment. We will discuss the method, risks, side effects, and success prospects of the laser treatment. Please read this information carefully and discuss any questions you may have with me.


Permanent Hair Removal with Laser

How does laser hair removal work?
During laser hair removal, an intense laser beam penetrates your skin with high energy and targets the hair follicles. The pigment melanin, found in the hair follicle, absorbs the laser's energy. The hair follicle is heated and reliably destroyed by the laser energy. After some time, the hair falls out. The skin surface and surrounding tissue are spared because the melanin concentration in the hair follicle is significantly higher than in the rest of the skin, even in darker skin types, and the energy only affects the melanin. Laser treatment can successfully remove both fine and thick, light and dark, superficial, and deep-seated hair.

How is laser hair removal performed?
Laser treatment is done on an outpatient basis at our practice/institute. If necessary, a trial treatment may be conducted on a small area before the actual treatment. Local anesthesia or anesthesia is not required. Your skin surface will be cooled during the treatment, and pre-cooling may be done for desensitization if necessary.

What does laser hair removal feel like?
Laser hair removal causes a slight sensation of warmth and may cause mild skin tingling in sensitive individuals. Skin cooling significantly reduces these side effects and enhances your comfort.

When should laser hair removal be avoided?
Laser treatment should not be performed on sun-tanned or tanning bed-exposed skin, as it is more sensitive to light. Laser hair removal is not recommended for individuals with very light or white hair, a tendency to develop abnormal scarring, or a tendency to develop darker or lighter skin discolorations (hyper- or hypopigmentations), as well as the contraindications listed below.

Does health insurance cover the cost of laser hair removal?

In general, health insurance does not cover the costs of laser hair removal, but there may be exceptions. Your provider will provide you with more specific information.

What complications or side effects are possible, and what are the risks?

After laser hair removal, the skin, especially in sensitive skin types, may feel tight and may be slightly red and swollen around the hair shaft. These symptoms usually subside within approximately 3 to 5 hours. Pigmented skin changes (such as sunspots) and freckles may fade or disappear. Improper use of the laser can cause blistering similar to severe sunburn, potentially leading to scarring. In cases of a tendency for herpes outbreaks, blister formation may be triggered. Rarely, hyper- or hypopigmentations may occur. White hair growth in treated areas, increased sweating, and body odor for a few weeks have been observed in isolated cases.

What should be considered before, during, and after laser hair removal?

Before Treatment: Avoid sunbathing and tanning beds for about two weeks before treatment. If unavoidable, apply sunscreen with a high SPF. Additionally, do not bleach, pluck, wax, or epilate the hair in the treated areas about one month before laser treatment. Shave the treatment area the day before or on the day of the treatment. Remove cosmetics thoroughly before treatment. Herpes prophylaxis may be necessary, if applicable.

During Treatment: Wear suitable protective eyewear during the treatment. Contact cooling or cold air cooling desensitizes the skin and increases comfort.

After Treatment: The treated areas can be cooled for approximately 15 minutes with cooling pads or air cooling. In case of acutely irritated skin, apply a soothing ointment. Avoid plucking, waxing, or chemically removing hair for four to six weeks, as well as sunbathing and visiting tanning beds. If sun exposure is unavoidable, use sunscreen with a high SPF. Continue herpes prophylaxis, if necessary. Cosmetics and moisturizers can be used a few hours after treatment.

What results can be expected from laser hair removal?

The light treatment permanently damages the hair follicle and reduces hair growth by approximately 80% for a long time. Regrowing hair is significantly finer, thinner, and less noticeable. It is recommended to undergo a touch-up treatment 1-2 times a year.

What alternative treatment methods are available?

There are various alternative treatment methods available, including hair removal creams or wax, razors, and epilating devices, which only remove hair superficially and temporarily. Electrolysis or thermolysis achieve longer-lasting results but are very time-consuming, costly, and often painful. Some intense pulsed light systems are also suitable for permanent hair removal. Your provider recommends laser hair removal because it offers a very good, long-lasting result with manageable time and a gentle procedure.

Safety history - Contraindications for laser treatment:
Do you have a pre-existing condition related to cancer, especially skin cancer?
Are you pregnant?
Are you taking medications or herbs that can increase light sensitivity?
Do you have any diseases that can be stimulated by increased light exposure or provoked by laser light?
Have you had extended sunbathing or tanning bed sessions in the last 3-4 weeks?
Do you have an active herpes simplex infection in the treatment area?
Do you have a history of abnormal (keloid) scar formation, especially after laser treatments?
Do you have uncontrolled diabetes?
Do you have dry, brittle skin?
Do you have hormonal disorders that can be aggravated by intense light?
Are you taking anticoagulants, for example, due to thrombosis?
Do you have a history of coagulation disorders?
Do you have epilepsy?
Do you have a tattoo or permanent makeup in the treatment area?

Consent Form

After being informed, I am aware of the method of permanent hair removal with laser, its costs, risks, potential adverse effects, success prospects, and alternative treatment methods. I have understood the information provided and have been able to ask all relevant questions. I have no further questions and do not need additional consideration time. After careful thought, I consent to the proposed treatment, including all necessary associated procedures and follow-up treatments. Hereby, I also give my consent for the produced images to be stored for later comparison and to be used on social media.

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